Message from Our Registrar

The Power of Love

Love is a powerful force and a universal language that knows no boundaries. Love transcends race, gender, and culture. The power of Love is represented by the disciple, John, whom Jesus called “the beloved.” In the body, this power resides in the heart, and the color vibration is pink. When we feel love, we are definitely “in the pink.” There’s no escaping it. Let’s not forget the love of those on whose shoulders we stand, like Rev. Dr. Ruth Mosley, who poured love into creating Unity Urban Ministerial School. Her love and devotion to bringing New Thought and Unity to people in the urban communities are the very fabric of Unity Urban Ministerial School. She made many personal sacrifices to ensure that others would have the tools for abundant living. It’s all about love, and no matter how many wonderful days there are to celebrate this month, Black History Month and Valentine’s Day take the lead. And there is more to celebrate this season of love for ourselves and fellow beings. February is also full of special opportunities to show love for our community, family, friends, pets, strangers, and especially ourselves. It is North American Inclusion Month (NAIM), Youth Leadership Month, International Friendship Month, and American Heart Month. As we exercise our power of love, let us not forget that God is love, and because we are made in the image and after the likeness of God, we are God’s love in expression. As scripture reminds us, “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7. For more on the spiritual faculty of love, click here 

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