Hi Friends —
It’s likely we all attend a Sunday service for different reasons. But isn’t it also likely that no matter what it is that we are seeking—music, message, community, comfort, liberty or love—no matter what it may be, we all are looking for authenticity? If so, I have a treat for you.
Here is a lovely man singing His Eye Is on the Sparrow, a simple song that affirms that “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, for His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me”.
I was deeply touched when Rev. Ernest Mitchell sang this song in January at the Unity Church of Christianity in Baltimore. So moved in fact that I asked if he would sing it again and allow me to record a video to share with you. Click on the image to watch and hear this authentic expresson of faith.
I don’t have enough information to do a just profile of Rev. Ernest. Let me just say that he and his collaborator, Dr. Carleen Leggett, have provided music at the church for nearly 40 years. At some point I will ask them to sit down and to share their story and we will then get a glimpse into the soul and spirit of two people with deep and authentic faith. That’s church.
A simple song of faith may be what the community of the Unity Urban Ministerial School needs at this time. We are heartbroken by the passing of Darian Griffin, youngest son of Rev. Ernestine and Stoney Griffin, and brother of Rev. Brian Griffin. Please join our collective consciousness in keeping the high watch for the family.

February 17, 2019