Garbage In/Garbage Out!

I release anything and everything that no longer serves my unfolding good.

This month we will explore the power of Renunciation/Release. The disciple is Thaddeus, the physical location is the abdominal area, and the energy vibration is the color russet.

The story of Lot’s wife in the Book of Genesis is one of the best examples of the power of renunciation (aka Release/Elimination). As the story goes, Lot’s wife is mentally holding onto the past and, as a result, turns into a pillar of salt. Salt was used in the Old Testament as a preservative. The metaphysical interpretation of the story is about how our whole being can be preserved in limitations when we refuse to let go of the past. Like many of the stories in the Bible, there is bad news and good news. The bad news is it is far too easy to fall into the pattern demonstrated by Lot’s wife. The good news is we can align our power of renunciation with the other spiritual powers and bring about the greater good in our lives. This theme ties into the concept of constipation. Until we release what no longer nourishes us, the body becomes sluggish and unable to perform at its best. The same is true for the mind. Since everything starts in the mind first, the physical stuff that is bogging down our system has its roots in our thinking. When we let go of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that no longer serve our highest good, we experience a sort of cleaning out that creates space for the digestion and nourishment of greater ideas to emerge. Our ability to let go enables us to experience spiritual growth and development. We can begin by expressing our gratitude for the present instead of agonizing about the past. Let us be about the business of keeping our channel of elimination open by consistently releasing the garbage of old, outworn, negative thinking, feelings, and beliefs. You know what they say – Garbage in/Garbage Out!

Affirmation: I release anything and everything that no longer serves my unfolding good.


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