March is Women’s History Month—a time to honor women who have made and are making important sacrifices and contributions to society. In this issue, we recognize a few of the women in UUMS who continue to contribute to the growth and development of the Unity movement and all whose lives they touch.
“Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories,” This year’s theme, established by the National Women’s History Alliance, shines the light on women who have been and are active in all forms of media and storytelling in print, radio, TV, stage, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media.
The March issue of our UUMS newsletter features stories, anecdotes, movies, music, and recipes, by and about strong women “herstory” makers.
Our UUMS story begins with the birthday of our beloved “Reverend Mother” Dr. Ruth M. Mosley on March 10, 1930, and “the houses that Ruth built”– West Side Unity (1964) and Unity Urban Ministerial School (1979). The Unity Urban Ministerial School is “herstory”– a divine idea born in her heart to establish a ministerial school that would reach vast ethnic groups in metropolitan areas, expand Unity teachings into the central city, and equip more Unity leaders to make Truth principles comprehensible to everyone.
On March 10, let us join our collective consciousness by lighting a candle, saying a prayer, and affirming the Allness of God as we continue to honor our founder and strengthen the two amazing foundations she built and nurtured and upon which we now stand.
One way to honor our Dear. Rev. Dr. Ruth is to contribute to the West Side Unity Rehabilitation Capital Campaign: No amount is too small or too big. To make a donation, go to:
We are stronger together!
There are many examples of sheroes throughout history who have risen above obstacles to achieve great things, and we cannot possibly feature them all in one issue. Each month’s newsletter will highlight alumni, students, faculty, board, and other UUMS influencers. We appreciate your feedback and ideas for future issues.
“I can do all things through the strength of the Christ within” Philippians 4:13.
This month, we delve into the Power of Strength, from the Twelve Powers In You (52 weekly lessons) by Rev. David Williamson, D.Min., another influencer of UUMS and an avid teacher and student of the Twelve Powers. It was Rev. Dr. Williamson who encouraged Rev. Ruth to put forward her divine idea to the leaders of the Unity movement at that time. Rev. Williamson grew up in a Unity family. His mother was a Licensed Unity Teacher. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Religion from Michigan State University, a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and a Doctor of Ministry from the Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit. He was ordained by Unity in 1960, and served as Director of Education for Unity School of Christianity and broadcast for Unity on the radio for more than two decades. His ministry included serving at Unity churches in Flint and Detroit,
Michigan; Richmond and Santa Rosa, California; and Hollywood, Florida. His 52 Weekly Lessons manual, published in 2000, is an excellent resource for students and leaders. It features detailed lessons and handouts for each power. It is no longer in print. If anyone knows where copies can be obtained, please contact Rev. Sandra Campbell at re*******@uu**.org.
The Twelve Powers in You
Charles Fillmore, Unity-cofounder, identified twelve faculties that we each possess. He described The Twelve Powers as one of the most unique teachings of the Unity movement. The basic framework was given to Charles and Myrtle Fillmore by Emma Curtis Hopkins, known as the teacher of teachers of New Thought. She suggested the twelve disciples of Jesus represent Twelve Powers of Christ within everyone. Charles Fillmore eventually expanded the teachings by defining the symbolic meaning of the disciples with Biblical information and correlating the powers with locations or centers in human anatomy (combining religion and science).
Each power contains four lessons—one for each week. The following lessons are on the Power of Strength:
Taking the World by Calm
The Right Use of Strength
Strength is an Act of Balancing
Strong in the Lord
The first lesson, Taking the World by Calm, appears below.
Strength Taking the World by Calm