A Call to Action for Our World – EarthCare
by Cylvia Hayes
Did you know Unity Worldwide has a long-standing EarthCare program?
The mission of the EarthCare program is to foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with the Earth, to promote active care of all creation, and to assist congregations in integrating an Earth-oriented spirituality into their ministries.
By empowering Unity congregations and ministers, EarthCare envisions Unity Worldwide Ministries as a powerful force and global leader in addressing the climate change emergency and moving society towards environmental, social, and economic justice in order to create a world that works for all beings.
The EarthCare program builds on the very beginnings of Unity and the teachings of Charles and Myrtle Filmore who spoke openly about their reverence and connection to nature.
In his book Christian Healing, Charles Filmore wrote:
[There is] intelligence inherent in every form, animate or inanimate. It has been discovered that even rocks and all minerals have life…We should be speaking words of truth to everything, not only to mankind but to the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms.”
And Myrtle Filmore reported:
I was almost accused of being a nature worshipper when I was a little girl. And I have always loved what I see in nature, as well as in all artists who are so close to the beauty side of God. Nature is surely the glorified face of Good. See the beauty about you and you do see the manifestation of the infinite Mind.
Recently, Unity Worldwide Ministries issued a formal statement for the Interfaith Sacred Season of Climate Justice that included the following:
Unity Worldwide Ministries supports and affirms an end to the desecration of Nature, and bold action in stopping climate injustice for all species and human populations who are disproportionately harmed by climate pollution, fossil fuel extraction and consumption, and the resulting ecological destabilization.
Currently, approximately 65 Unity congregations have been certified as Unity EarthCare congregations. Both brick-and-mortar and alternative/evolving ministries can achieve EarthCare certification.
The current economic, ecological, and political world crisis we find ourselves in is a call to action. EarthCare is here to support Unity congregations and ministers in finding their path to spiritual action to create a world that works better for all beings.
In honor of Native American/American Indian Heritage Month, I am sharing these words from a wise leader, Chief Seattle: “The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” And, importantly, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We borrow it from our children.”
The Unity EarthCare team has a representative supporting each region and we are here to help. More information about EarthCare can be found here. Or contact Cylvia at Cy****@cy*********.com.
Rev. Cylvia Hayes is a 3rd-year student with UUMS, and a member of the Unity EarthCare team. She is a teacher, speaker, and writer on environment, climate change, economic system change, and New/Ancient Thought Spirituality. Cylvia is the founder of The ReThink, an organization with a mission of accelerating momentum toward healthy relationships between humanity and the rest of Nature, a restorative economy, and a more beautiful world that works for all beings. She is also Spiritual Leader and Intern with Unity Spiritual Community Central Oregon. Her Ted-Talk, “Who Do You Think You Are Really?” has been viewed by millions all over the world. It is based on her autobiography, “When Life Blows Up: A Guide to Peace, Power, and Reinvention.” Her publication TRANSCEND is for people who want raised consciousness, economic system change, and a healthier, saner world. She can be reached at Cy****@cy*********.com.