We prepare students to integrate Universal Principles of Spirituality and Holistic Health through self-development, scholarly exploration/research, and compassionate service. Holos University Graduate Seminary is built upon the mission of educating scholars from around the world, on subjects related to subtle energies and energy medicine through interactive distance learning. For over fifteen years our students have generated innovative holistic research to expand the knowledge base of the comprehensive benefits of spiritually oriented holistic health.

Holos University Graduate Seminary prepares students to integrate Universal Principles of Energy Medicine, Spirituality, and Holistic Health through self-development, scholarly exploration/research, and compassionate service.

​The mystical traditions of virtually all religions contain substantial references that address the subtle physical energies of the body, the transpersonal aspects of the mind, and the expressive activity of the spirit. These traditions exist at the very core of holistic mysticism, spiritual direction, counseling intuition, and integrative healthcare. Holos University Graduate Seminary (HUGS) emphasizes ecumenical spiritual approaches that fulfill a growing need for an inclusive, holistic, and creative approach to life in contemporary communities.

As a Seminary, HUGS focuses upon the spiritual aspects of its studies and research. As a University, HUGS strives to uphold the highest academic standards in teaching and research, and seeks to serve as a bridge between academic, scientific, and religious institutions. The educational design of the HUGS programs, center on these basic tenets, inevitably leading to a new, broader, and more expansive understanding of subtle energies, consciousness, and human transformation. ​

We invite you to review our degree plans and certificates of completion programs under the “program” tab at HolosUniversity.org

1 comment on “Holos University Graduate Seminary

  1. Jim Gaither attended your school. He was one of my teachers when I was studying to be a Unity Minister and suggested I contact you in regards to your Doctoral program. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Angela Rhodes

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