Unity SE Region’s Uniteens and their Leaders Create Care Packages for those affected by the Hurricanes
The Uniteens and their Leaders in the Southeast Region created “Care Packages” that were shipped to Unity of Panama City and Unity Crystal Coast, both churches affected by the recent hurricanes that hit our region.
Included in the “Care Packages” were 72 dental packs for adults, 72 dental packs for children, affirmation bags and cards, origami filled with affirmations, hearts and gingers of love.
Special thanks to our Leaders who assisted with the project: Jan Gurr, Lynn Van Dyke-Lee, Amber Strand, Linda McLeod and Danni Triandafils. Many thanks go out to the rest of the Uniteen Leaders who served in a variety of ways throughout retreat.
Our Uniteens were shining examples of what it means to be “A good Student”. In Truth, we are all good because we are made of the love of God. Our light shines bright for all to see when we practice grace and giving – the example of “The Golden Rule”.
Let us remember that God is absolute good and everywhere present, despite outward appearances. Through our thoughts and actions, we can rise above any obstacle that is presented before us. Each of us, unique and beautiful are THE GOOD STUDENT!
In Love and Light,
Rev. Ytonna Dyess Finnegan, CSE