Where there’s a will, there’s a way, so let your light shine!

According to New Thought teachings, we each possess twelve wonderful gifts, or unlimited mental faculties, referred to as The Twelve Powers. When we spiritualize these gifts, we gain balance and direction. This month, we focus on the faculty of Will, represented by the Disciple Matthew. The physical location in the body temple is the center of the brain and the energy vibration is gray or silver. We often refer to the thoughts in our brain as “gray matter.” In Christian teachings, “Will” is significant. It appears 2,392 times in the Old Testament and 489 times in the New Testament. We’ve all heard the expression, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” What that means is that “will” is our Executive Power. It is our power to be a “Director” on God’s “Board of Trustees.” Of all of the spiritual gifts, Will is the most effective in producing positive results when coordinated with all of the other eleven faculties: Faith, Imagination, Love, Life, Understanding, Wisdom, Power, Order, Enthusiasm, Release, and Strength.

The faculty that immediately precedes Will is Understanding, and when guided by Spiritual Understanding, Will becomes the great mobilizer by harnessing the energies and bringing into visibility the products of all of our other faculties. All power comes from God and is received through our individual sense of I AM (our creative, ageless individuality).

From there, our Will (Matthew) directs it into specific action according to our Understanding (Thomas). The use of the Will is at the basis of every activity from thought to manifestation. As Eric Butterworth writes in Discover the Power Within You, “We must allow Understanding its rightful role and adequate time in instructing the Will. When we do this, we will not act in the heat of the day, but rather in the cool of the evening. As we retrain the Will and teach it to be receptive and responsive to spiritual motivation, it becomes a valued and trusted servant rather than an unbending, unyielding, willful master.” In Matthew 5:15-16, Jesus provides instructions for exercising the power of Will when he says “let your light so shine that others will see your good deeds…” Our will may be associated with the light that is within everyone. While the light exists, we must have the “will” to let it shine.

As you engage your Willpower this month, take time to just be, laugh out loud, and look for what there is to appreciate–because what you appreciate appreciates. If you appreciate living in a democracy, you can express the power of your will by voting in the primaries this month. Remember,  where there’s a will, there’s a way, so let your light shine!

1 comment on “Message from the Executive Director August 2024

  1. Rev. Campbell, your monthly messages on the 12 Powers have been inspirational and helpful in my preparation to teach this SEE class in the near future. Thank you!

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