“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives.” Isaiah 61:1
Grounded in the Unity Urban Ministerial School’s guiding scripture, Isaiah 61:1, and believing in the School’s Divine Purpose of preparing Christ Conscious Unity Ministers to serve with excellence and integrity, I offer this, my prayer:
I know that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of the Unity Urban Ministerial School, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide its affairs.
I know that growth in spiritual consciousness and focused attention on the proactive expression of diversity, equity, and inclusion engenders well-being, love, wisdom, abundance, joy, respect, peace, and heart-felt service through ministry. These qualities are the Divine heritage of everyone who is a part of the Unity Urban Ministerial School, and they are now operating in the affairs of every individual, every system, and every process in the Unity Urban Ministerial School. These qualities are operating in every Minister prepared by the Unity Urban Ministerial School and in every Ministry that they serve.
I know that Divine Guidance enlightens the people of the Unity Urban Ministerial School—Students, Faculty, Staff, Administrators, and Board Members—so that we know God’s Presence in all people and all creation.
Our oneness in Spirit manifests as valuing and inclusion. Every person and every aspect of creation is respected and valued as a blessed member of the web of Life. All belong.
The All-knowing Divine Mind contains the answer to every problem which confronts the Unity Urban Ministerial School. I know that every person who is a part of the Unity Urban Ministerial School is now directed by this All-knowing Mind and has the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem. Each is impelled to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, faith in good, and peace shall come to all.
And I know that this Spiritual Endeavor shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone who is a part of the Unity Urban Ministerial School, and to all who know them, full expression of the Living Christ Presence.
I give thanks to God for the healing Life that flows within the Unity Urban Ministerial School, within every individual and every system and process, and through these out into the world. AMEN.
*This Prayer was adapted by Rev. Anna Shouse, Ph.D. from “My Prayer for My Country” written by Dr. Ernest Holmes – Originally published in Science of Mind magazine, July 1953.