One of the first things I learned about Rev Carolyn Warnemuende when we met at her first L&O is how proud she is of her daughter Leah, son-in-law Jeremy and her grandchildren Raphael, Sebastian, and Gareth who live in Myanmar. Prior to living in Myanmar, the family lived in Uganda where Carolyn opened and operated a school with a Ugandan couple.  Some of the Unity teachings were included in the curriculum.

During one of her L&O trips, I admired a beautiful jacket that Carolyn was wearing. She told me it was handmade from Myanmar. I’m sure she had lots of beautiful things made by the villagers, all of them unfortunately destroyed when Carolyn and her husband lost their home and everything they owned in the devastating Carr fire in Redding, California two years ago.

Until I met her, I had never heard of Myanmar. I remembered her story as I watched recent news about Myanmar’s government under siege. I reached out to Carolyn and she shared that she hadn’t been able to speak to her daughter because of the total communication and transportation lockdown. This past Saturday, her daughter was able to get through. She told Carolyn that the country is in total chaos and that the military has taken away most all privileges citizens have had. Unrest is growing rapidly. There is to be a complete communication lockdown for two weeks. The family is safe but cannot get out of the country as the borders are closed.

As we talked about it, I could tell that Carolyn had been working hard to hold the high watch for her family. From a mother’s heart, I could feel her worry while trying to affirm the truth that she knows– that God is all powerful, all knowledge, everywhere present. As the saying goes, it takes a village.

So, I’m writing to our village to join together in holding the high watch with Carolyn and her family. Lift them up. Pray without ceasing and give thanks for the perfect outworking of this situation. We as the Urban School family are anointed to “…comfort the broken hearted…”

Let’s put our collective conscious to the greater works of our calling.


P.S.: You may email Carolyn at wr************@ya***.com.


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