The UUMS Class of 2023, in collaboration with other members of the Unity Ministerial Students Association (UMSA), established the Flexible Student Support Scholarship and raised $1,000 seed money to assist with non-tuition expenses such as books, travel, and transportation. The application is open to students of all Unity ministerial paths.
For the past several years, each graduating class has created an internship project to leave a legacy for the future of UUMS. The cohort is given the autonomy to choose their project. In keeping with this tradition, the UUMS Class of 2023 saw the need to provide financial assistance for ministerial students to cover expenses not covered by the scholarships for tuition only.
The UUMS Flexible Student Support Scholarship fund can be applied for year-round to pay for textbooks, mandatory travel, and other non-tuition related expenses that meet the scholarship criteria. Applications for the scholarship are open to students enrolled in any of the Unity ministry paths–UUMS, UWSI, Field Ministry, and International schools.
This project evolved, in no small part, because several members of the UUMS Class of 2023 happened to be serving on the Unity Ministerial Students Association (UMSA) board of directors. It was during that time the UMSA board gained 501c3, tax-exempt status, through the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, which allows the organization to solicit tax-deductible donations. The Class of 2023 solicited and received contributions from multiple sources for the new Scholarship, and the UMSA members unanimously agreed to contribute $1,000 as seed money to start the Flexible Student Support Scholarship fund.
The UUMS Class of 2023 envisions the Scholarship growing and supporting students across the Unity movement. This scholarship will have far-reaching benefits for future Unity ministers and the entire Unity movement.
All donations are tax deductible. Anyone wishing to contribute may send their donations to….