by Rev. Vernelle Nelson (2016)

The UUMS Alumni Association (UUMSAA) recently elected new officers. I am proud to have served as the first President of UUMSAA, and I am exceedingly grateful to everyone for your commitment and support of our awesome alumni during my tenure.

I am passing on the gavel and I am ready and willing to take on my new role as Secretary. We are all extremely enthusiastic about the future of this organization and look forward to continued growth and prosperity.

Our newly elected board of directors are:

President, Rev. Brian K. Drafton-Griffin (2010), Senior Minister at Unity of Flint, Michigan since 2020, and founding Minister of New Thought Internet Teaching Ministries (2013-2018), a virtual spiritual community broadcasting services and offering discussion groups.

Vice-President, Rev. Richard Pacheco (2021), Call Center Supervisor at Silent Unity, UUMS Webmaster, and IT Specialist. Rev. Richard formerly served as president of the board, webmaster, social media trainer, and YOU sponsor with Unity of Northeast Pennsylvania.

Secretary ā€“ Rev. Vernelle Nelson (2016), immediate past president of the UUMS Alumni Association, a member of the UUMS faculty, and founding Minister of Unity Golden Life Ministries, an alternative ministry best known for semi-monthly ā€œSeaside Morning Meditationā€ services on the Atlantic Coast in South Florida and pastoral care for homebound, hospital visitations, and spiritual support for hospice patients and their circle of care.

Treasurer ā€“ Rev. Karen Saunders (2013), Registrar at UUMS since 2014, and Senior Minister at Christ Love Unity in Omaha, Nebraska. Rev. Karen is the daughter of the late Rev. Helen Saunders, who planted the church in 1983 and is the recent recipient posthumously of the Ruth M. Mosley Award for Outstanding Leadership in Urban Ministry.

Meetings are held the second Monday each month at 6pm Eastern Time. Please join us anytime.

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