2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions – A Call to Conscious: Defending Freedom & Human Rights
Last month, I attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions (PoWR). It was one of the most fascinating, educational, and informative experiences of my life. There were 7,000 people representing 90 different religions from all over the world.
The theme of the parliament was “A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom & Human Rights.” I visited the many vendors and attended plenary sessions and a smattering of the dozens of workshops that were offered. I had the privilege of sharing the platform with several noted New Thought luminaries.
In a 90-minute panel discussion with Revs. Shad Groverland, Derrick Wells, Tim Stewart, and Michelle Whittington, we discussed the importance of “speaking truth to false power.” I had the honor of joining with eight other Black Unity leaders in a 2-part, 3-hour workshop that addressed the question, “Is Racism Fake News?” Revs. Charline Manuel, of the PoWR board of directors and champion of global ethics, moderated Part 1 with Revs. Diana McDaniel, Kevin Ross, Sylvia Sumpter, and James Trapp. During Part 2, Revs. Dinah Chapman, Eric Donaldson, Paulette Pipe, and myself led the audience in exercises that helped to address the question.
In addition to myself, Rev. Charline, Rev. Shad, and Rev. Eric, other members of the UUMS family at the PoWR were Kevin Kubota (student), Rev. Wilma Taylor-Costen, Rev. Linda McCleod, Rev. Christina Garza, Rev. Jeff Berry, and Rev. Cylvia Hayes, who facilitated a workshop on earth care and climate change. When the Parliament rolls around again, we should all plan to be there.