First Virtual Reunion Conference
November 17-19, 2021
“United Vision Shared Celebration”
We respectfully request your support for the success of Unity Urban Ministerial School’s First Virtual Reunion Conference, November 17-19, 2021.
Tickets are $150 Early-Bird (until Nov. 1st) and $180 (Nov. 2-17)
The Conference will be a virtual event through WHOVA.
Your Ad will be featured in the UUMS Virtual Reunion Souvenir Book. To purchase your Ad, please submit your completed on-line Ad and appropriate payment, by October 31, 2021.
If You are interested in advertising in our souvenir book prices are below
Outside Page (Back Page)
Inside (Back Page)
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page
Eighth Page
Patron Page
Individual Patron – Each Name
If you need to have your AD designed it’s a one-time fee of $40.00.
For more information, please contact
Rev. Bonnie Gardner: b_*****@ya***.com.
Rev. Wilma Taylor-Costen: J.*****@at*.net